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Sunday Service
What to expect
We gather together as a whole church on Sunday evenings at 17.00 for an hour and a half.
There is no expectation regarding what you wear (other than that it should not be indecent) and so please come in what you are comfortable wearing.
You will be met at the door by some members of our lovely welcome team who can answer any questions you may have.
Our sung worship is mainly with modern worship songs with some classic hymns, led by a band – normally of piano, guitar, drums and singers.
Young children stay in for the first part of our service until after the kids action song. Those aged 4-10 then go out to different classes in our Sunday School called K4G (Kids4God). There is also nursery provision for children of 3and under. The youth aged 11 and upwards (called Wildfire) depart to their own programme after the longer period of worship in the middle of the service.
At some point in the service, a basket is passed round for a collection of our financial offerings. Many regulars pay their offering direct through their bank and we do not expect guests to contribute.
There will be a time of prayer led by someone from the front, a reading from the Bible and a sermon that lasts around 30 minutes.
On the fourth Sunday of the month we share communion together and all who love the Lord are welcome to join us.
At the end of the service, personal prayer is offered to any who want it and there is also the chance to stay around and chat to each other over refreshments.
We look forward to welcoming you!