Our Elders
The elders of the church look after the spiritual matters and lead the congregation by various ministries.
Bob & Lilo Kerr
Martin Murigi Gitundu
Jorum & Janiffer Kingori
Associate pastors
During the ongoing search for a senior pastor, the church has commissioned our two associate pastors Bob Kerr and Martin Murigi to shepherd the congregation with increased working hours.
Martin Murigi
Associate Pastor of Counselling, Teaching and Administration.
Oversees Worship, Children & Youth, the Prayer Ministry, the Women’s Ministry, Audio & Visual.
Robert (Bob) Kerr
Associate Pastor: Pastoral & Outreach.
Oversees Life Groups, Mission & Outreach, Hospitality & Welcome, Men’s Ministry, Cleaning Ministry, Offering & Set-up.
Leaders and ministries
These are the leaders of the various ministries in RiverLife church
Men's ministry
Anita Azariah
Kids' ministry
John & Marlene Leichty
Life group leaders
Jorum & Janiffer Kirundi
Life group leaders
Tim Stallard
Worship ministry
Saskia Seifert
Life groups and Worship on the hill
Bob & Lilo Kerr
Life groups and missions
Members of the board
Members of the board help the church in the administrative tasks.
Lukas Studer
Claudia Juzi
President of the baord
HR and Adminstration
Amiel Lopes
Media and Tech
Bob Kerr
Representative of the Elders